Next, we can choose a path for Mach3 program and decide if software should be installed for all us-
ers. Mostly we just leave the default settings and then double-click „Next”.
Name selection in start menu - mostly there is no need to change anything here also - click „Next”
and again „Next” when you see a summary review.
After this lasting few seconds setup another window will show up - with question if you want to
launch CSMIO/IP controller firmware that serves to controller updates. If you are not sure if you have
the latest version, you can update it now. Update process was described in B Addition.
If you do not want to update now deselect the „Launch CSMIO/IP-S Controller Firmware” option and
click „Finish”.
Mach 3 plugin and CSMIO/IP-S firmware must be the same version. Update the controller firmware if
needed. The update process is described in the addition section - „CSMIO/IP software updating”.
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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