For plasma cutters. Signal of automatic torch high control, an active
state causes Z-axis raising.
THC Down
For plasma cutters. Signal of automatic torch high control, an active
state causes Z-axis lowering.
OEM Trig 1-15
Using these signals, you can e.g. start a program with a button on a
machines desktop.
JOG X++, JOG Y++, JOG Z++,
Signals that allow for motion of each axis in manual mode (move-
ment in the positive direction).
JOG X--, JOG Y--, JOG Z--,
Signals that allow for motion of each axis in manual mode (move-
ment in the negative direction).
If you are not sure on which input in the CSMIO/IP-S is one of
the signals connected, then you can open diagnostic window
from the „Plugin Control/CSMIO_IP_P_plugin” menu, go to
the „Digital IO” tab and in the „Digital inputs” area there is a
preview of all inputs state of our controller. Then you can just
e.g. pressing a limit switch manually to look at a screen, and
see, which input changed its state. You can also watch the
LEDs located on the controller.
After all input signals configuration it is worth to
check, whether it has been done correctly. To do so,
close the configuration window, approving with
„OK” and then go to the „Diagnostics” screen (top
button bar in Mach3 program window).
Under the „Input Signals current State”, there are
controls, which show current state of input signals
of the Mach3 program. Now you can press the
emergency stop button, the „Emergency” LED
should start flashing. The same way you can check
other signals, e.g. by pressing manually the limit and
homing switches etc.
Check carefully the E-STOP signal functioning before you continue your configuration. It is very im-
portant to have possibility to stop the machine immediately,
during the first run and con-
In the CSMIO/IP controller, there was additionally implemented fault signals support from servo
drives. Details in the „Additional configuration functions” chapter.
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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