Since the CSMIO/IP v1.07 software version
there is a possibility to give the same input
PIN as LIMIT and HOME. You should disa-
ble the „Home Sw. Safety” option in
„General Config” window of Mach3 pro-
gram. With „Home Sw. Safety” option
disabled, the LIMIT signals are not moni-
tored during homing.
Configuration of digital output signals
Digital outputs are used for such tasks as e.g. spin-
dle/torch activation, activation/releasing brakes of elec-
tromagnetic motors, cooling, solenoids valves activa-
tion, etc.
The outputs configuration is almost the same as the
inputs configuration.
Columns explanation:
Name of the column
Green tick means we use the signal.
Red X cross means that we do not use the signal and that it
should not be used.
Port #
Input port number – for the CSMIO/IP-S it is always
port no. 10
Pin Number
Pin number, means the CSMIO/IP-S output number, e.g. output no. 5 of
the controller we put here as pin no. 5.
You do not give here PIN number on CSMIO/IP connector.
Active Low
Signal polarization change, it is a selection whether the signal should be
active at 0V or at 24V.
Detailed description of the signals is available in ArtSoft® documentation:
below we present short description of the most important.
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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