Due to connection of STEP/DIR signals to the drive (both servo and stepper drives) pay attention
which STEP edge is active.
While connecting the controller– e.g. for the M542 stepper motor you should connect the PUL+ sig-
nal to STEP+ and PUL- output to STEP signal of CSMIO/IP. This way – switching on the optocoupler in
the M542 will be followed at proper edge of the CSMIO/IP-S STEP signal. If the connection is incor-
rect, 1 step will be lost during every direction change. After a long work, it may accumulate large
position error.
If needed (e.g. if there are position errors) STEP signal polarization may be changed by program, indi-
vidually for each axis It is set in menu „Config
Ports and Pins”, „Motor Outputs” tab, „Step Low
Active” column.
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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