STEP/DIR Channels Selection
CSMIO/IP-S controller has 6 STEP/DIR output channels. For X axis, by default, there is assigned 0
channel, for Y – 1 channel, Z – 2 channel… etc.
For each axis there can be any channel assigned. We made the choice from the „STEP/DIR Output
Channel” list.
Index Homing
If we connected INDEX signal from servo drive to the controller, then we can enable precise homing
function with INDEX signal use. It greatly improves homing repeatability, even when homing switches
have quite large spread.
Turning function on and off
CSMIO/IP input number
Encoder Pulses/Rev
Pulses number per encoder rev (with all edges)
A PID controller
This group is only for CSMIO/IP-A controller. In IP-S model is not active.
Slave Axis configuration.
In large machines there are often two motors used to support
single axis – one on each side. Even though in Mach3 program
- „Config” menu there is a position to configure slave axes, we
provide here autonomous support for the function, to increase
reliability level.
Some users implement a slave axis by linking the STEP/Dir
signals of two drives and connecting them to one channel of a
controller or they use the slave axis function, which is available
in some servo drives.
The slave axis implementation through the CSMIO/IP-S has one significant advantage –function of
machine geometry correction available (e.g. gantry perpendicularity). It is more specifically described
in the addition „Slave axis configuration example”. In brief – for each X, Y, Z-axis you can define one
slave axis. The slave axes can be A, B and C.
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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