Configuration functions in a plug-in window
The configuration window of plugin is activated by „Config
Config Plugins” menu position, click
„CONFIG” next to the CSMIO/IP name.
If there were different types of CSMIO/IP controllers installed then click “Config” next to the control-
ler that will be used.
Axes special functions
Axis configuration is divided into the following groups:
Servo Alarm Input
Channels Selection
Index Homing
PID Regulator
Slave Axis Configuration
Servo Alarm Input - an alarm input in servo drives
The CSMIO/IP- controller has a possibility of autonomous reac-
tion to fault signals from servo drives. A drive may generate a
fault e.g. in case of overload. If the fault signal appears the
CSMIO/IP stops all axis within 0,1ms. It is worth to configure in
servo drives a dynamic brake function, which will reduce dis-
tance that an axis moves with the power of inertia.
Function enable/disable
Low Active
Active signal in a Low state
Input number on CSMIO/IP-S controller
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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