Configuration parameters:
Axis selection, which one will be slave for the currently selected
Slave axis working mode
Geometry Correction
Geometry correction value of a machine tool
Slave axis working mode:
No Correction
Mode without correction – Master and Slave axes work just
like “glued” together.
Read Difference
Homing position difference readout between Master and
Slave axes. After homing, the value will be entered in „Ge-
ometry Correction” area.
Sl. Correction
After homing, Slave axis is “freed” for a while and geome-
try correction motion is done. It allows for e.g. perpendicu-
larity settings in gentry machines.
In „A” addition you can find slave axis configuration example described.
If you want to use slave axis function – read the addition „Slave axis configuration example”.
CS-Lab Company has made every effort to ensure reliability of the CSMIO/IP-S controller. However,
the company does not take any responsibility for any mechanics damage because of wrong configu-
ration and any eventual failure or software errors of CSMIO/IP-S controller.
We strongly discourage using slave axis function on stepper motors. Stepper motors don’t have
feedback and it’s easy to damage mechanics in a machine, e.g. when one of the motors brakes and
the other one still works.
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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