Connectors, controls and electrical installation of the device
Connectors arrangement on the device
Detail description of signals on each connector is placed in the next sections.
DB->Terminal block connectors have the same pin numbers as DB connectors in CSMIO/IP-S device.
In example: 15 pin of DB25 connector match with the 15 pin on the terminal block.
There were some hardware improvements made in the CSMIO/IP-S v2 controllers therefore the pin
topology on STEP/DIR, DIGITAL OUTPUTS and DIGITAL INPUTS connectors is different for version v1
and v2. To define your version of the controller read the first 4 figures of a serial number.
Numbers starting with 1119… and below means version v1
Numbers starting with 1120… and above means version v2
Documentation for v1 of CSMIO controller you can find on website:
in down-
load section.
Digital inputs 16-31
Signals that control the
drives (STEP/DIR)
Analog inputs and
outputs (0-10V)
Expansion modules
Power connector
Digital inputs 0-15
Digital outputs 0-15
Communication con-
nector (ETHERNET)
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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