First tests
Checking the input signals
Before starting the tests in motion, you should
first verify the main input signals, such as:
Homing sensors – HOME
Limit switches – LIMIT
Emergency stop – ESTOP
After running Mach3, go to „Diagnostics” tab.
In „Input signals current state” area there are
shown light indicators of the input signals.
During the test, any of axes should not be on a
limit switch or homing sensor. You should
manually, sequentially activate the HOME sensors and verify if correct indicators light up. There are
axes at the input signals indicators marked as M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 what corresponds in order
to X, Y, Z, A, B, C. After HOME switches verifying you should check LIMIT switches. Again - manually
activate the LIMITs on each axis and check on a screen, if correct indicators light up. If the light indi-
cators or indicator light up constantly and they turn off after manual LIMIT switch deactivation - it
means wrong polarization – you must change configuration in „Ports and pins” window (see previous
If on all axes the HOME and LIMIT sensors work fine, it is time to verify an emergency stop signal
(here Emergency) again. After the E-Stop pressing – the indicator should flash red light. When you
release it - it should turn off.
If everything works correctly, press RESET on the screen and go to the next section.
If there is no response for any signals, you should check if program
communicates with the CSMIO/IP-S controller correctly. In the diag-
nostics window (in „PlugIn Control
CSMIO_IP_Plugin” menu) you
can check the connection status. If the control light is red, you can
try to quit and run Mach3 again. If it does not help see again the
sections about configuration and installation.
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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