System Maintenance
c) Manually move the scanning platform to the most outer side, dismantle the dust
removal module(remove itsscrew located on upper side) in order to access to the lens.
Clean the lens with special dust-free cotton bud or glass/mirror wiping paper;
6.1.3 Regularly lubricants level check: Equipment lack of oil could easily get rusted, causing overloaded
and other mechanical problem.Please check/inspect gears structure regularly (eg: hood sliding gears,
plate loading rocker gears), linear bearing rail, guide raillubrication conditions and guide rail oil
container level;
6.1.4 Regularly inspection on pipelines: Aging pipelines (air flow/vacuum/pressure) can cause damage,
pressure leakage and other problems, that can affect the proper operation of the device. Please inspect
the device internal pipelines for any defectiveness, crack or fragmented.If necessary, do replace the
affected pipes such as moisture depleting pipe, vacuum pipeetc;