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Fiber Active Cabinet (FAC) 900
Installation Manual
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Replacing Rectifier Modules (Alpha Cordex Rectifier Option)
If an Alpha Cordex HP 1.2kW rectifier module experiences a failure in the field, you can replace the module(s) in the field.
Modules are hot-swappable and can be replaced without disconnecting power to the Alpha shelf.
To replace a rectifier module
The rectifier is plug and play. When a rectifier module is added to the system, the Controller will detect and update the in
ventory automatically. However, replacing an installed rectifier requires a manual Inventory Update at the controller to clear
the removed rectifier from its current list of rectifiers.
To remove a module, push up on the locking clip release and slide the module out of the shelf.
At the controller web interface initiate an Inventory Update:
Main Menu > Rectifiers > Inventory Update
Place the new rectifier module on the shelf bottom and slide the module into the rear connector (inside the
Apply pressure to the module front panel to engage the rear connector in the shelf receptacle.
The locking clip automatically secures the rectifier to the shelf.