00 0293 210 2 - BA DOMINATOR 150/140/130 - 12/09
1 Introduction
1.1 General Information
Excess-width machines
In case of excess-width self-propelled working
machines (width exceeding 3 m across tyres), an indi-
vidual operating permit based on an individual expert's
opinion, a special approval according to § 70, sect. 1
of the German Regulations Authorising the Use of
Vehicles for Road Traffic and a special approval
according to § 29 of the German Regulations Authoris-
ing the Use of Vehicles for Road Traffic must be
carried along.
All conditions and notes specified there must be
observed. Especially the information regarding the
marking of excess-width road vehicles must be com-
plied with (two red/white marker boards each at the
front and rear, two amber flashing warning beacons).
The granting of the special approval and permits is
subject to different regulations in every Federal State.
Information can usually be obtained from your road
traffic authorities in charge.
Additional weights
Self-propelled machines with rear axle steering and fit-
ted with front attachments approved by CLAAS must
be equipped with additional weights on the rear axle
when driving on public roads.
This is required in order to prevent the machine from
lifting off at the rear when braking and on slopes and to
maintain the steering function.
The required additional weights can be made up of
implements, rear axle weights and liquid filling in the
rear axle tyres.
Depending on the type of front attachment and the
equipment fitted to the machine, the rear of the self-
propelled machine must be ballasted.
Detailed information on this matter can be obtained
from CLAAS.
Modifications to the machine
When parts of the machine whose condition is pre-
scribed are subsequently modified or installed, the
operation of which may endanger other road users, the
Operating permit (individual operating permit) and the
special approval expire.
To obtain a new individual operating permit, it is neces-
sary to present the machine to the responsible
technical inspection agency (TUEV, DEKRA) in order
to prepare an individual expert's opinion according to
§ 19 of the German Regulations Authorising the Use of
Vehicles for Road Traffic.
If you are in any doubt as to whether this situation
applies in your case, please contact CLAAS as the