6- 2
Detailed settings (ADVANC)
HOLD settings (HOLD)
Measurement mode (MEAS)
Selects a hold mode.
S-H (Sample hold) / P-H (Peak hold) /
B-H (Bottom hold) / P-P (Peak-to-peak hold) /
P-P/2 (Peak-to-peak hold/2) / NG-H (NG hold) /
SLF.S-H (Self sample hold) /
SLF.P-H (Self peak hold) /
SLF.B-H (Self bottom hold)
[Default: S-H]
Trigger mode (TRG)
Selects the external trigger input behavior.
1SHOT (One shot) / HOLD (Hold)
[Default: HOLD]
Self trigger level
Sets the reference level for the hold function using the self
(internal) trigger.
−199.9999 to 199.9999
[Default: 0.500]
Self trigger edge direction
Sets the edge direction for measurement of the hold value
using the self trigger level.
UP (Rise) / DOWN (Fall)
[Default: UP]
Self trigger delay
Sets the self trigger delay type and its reference value when
the self sample hold function is used.
DLY.WD (Static width)
/ DLY.TIM (Delay timer)
[Default: DLY.WD]
Static width (DLY.WD)
Sets a stable fluctuation width until start of hold.
0 to 199.9999 (mm)
[Default: 0.0100]
Delay timer (DLY.TIM)
Sets a delay time until start of hold.
0 to 199.9999 (mm)
[Default: 1000]
All input (ALL IN)
When a trigger is input to a master unit, the signal can be
input to all connected slave units simultaneously.
ONE (Single) / ALL (All)
[Default: ONE]
External input (EXT.IN)
For input 1/input 2/input 3 of external inputs, selects one of
four input signal types.
P/R/T (Preset/Reset/Trigger) / BANK/P (Bank A/B/Preset) /
BANK/R (Bank A/B/Reset) / BANK/T (Bank A/B/Trigger)
[Default: P/R/T]
External output (EXT.OUT)
For output 1/output 2/output 3 of external outputs, selects
one of four output signal types.
[Default: 3VAL]
Display digits (DIGIT)
Changes the number of digits shown after the decimal point
on the digital display.
0.1 / 0.01 / 0.001 / 0.0001
[Default: 0.0001]
Analog scaling (ANALOG)
For analog output, sets the upper and lower limits
corresponding to judgment value (JUDGE.V) converted to
current (4 to 20 mA).
DEFALT (Default) / FREE (Free)
[Default: DEFALT]
Scaling upper limit (ANA.HI)
Sets the scaling upper limit when analog scaling is set to
−199.9999 to 199.9999 (mm)
[Default: 10.0000]
Scaling lower limit (ANA.LO)
Sets the scaling lower limit when analog scaling is set to
−199.9999 to 199.9999 (mm)
[Default: 0.0000]
Eco mode (ECO)
Saves energy by turning off the backlight of the controller
display when the screen is not being used.
[Default: OFF]