Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 9 Switch Operating Procedures
Viewing an ATM Port Configuration
MGX8850.7.PXM.a >
Controller Bay Number: 0
Controller Line Number: 0
Controller VPI: 0
Controller VCI: 0
Controller In Alarm: NO
Controller Error:
MGX8850 System Rev: 02.00 Jul. 30, 2000 09:39:36 GMT
MGX8850 Shelf Alarm: NONE
Number of Controllers: 1
Controller Name: PNNITWO
Controller Id: 2
Controller Location: Internal
Controller Type: PNNI
Controller Logical Slot: 7
Deleting a Controller
To delete a controller, use the following procedure.
Step 1
Establish a configuration session at any user access level.
Step 2
Enter the delcontroller command to prevent the switch from using a specified controller.
mgx8830a.1.PXM.a >
Replace <cntrlrId> with 2 to identify PNNI controller, or 3 to identify an LSC controller.
Do not enter the delcontroller command on a card with existing connections. If you do, those
connections cannot be recovered until the controller is re-added using the addcontroller command, and
the cards or the entire node is reset. Otherwise, ports remain in the provisioning state.
Step 3
To verify that the switch is no longer using the specified controller, enter the dspcontrollers command.
The delcontroller command does not delete the controller software, but directs the switch not
to use it.
Viewing an ATM Port Configuration
To view the configuration of an ATM line or trunk port, use the following procedure.
Step 1
Establish a CLI management session at any user access level.
Step 2
To display a list of the ports already configured on a PXM1E or AXSM card, enter the following
mgx8830a.1.PXM.a >