Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 3 Provisioning PXM1E Communication Links
General PXM1E Configuration Procedures
addcon, cnfcon
The local percentage utilization option specifies a
percentage utilization factor (which is also called an
overbooking factor) that enables or disables overbooking
for a connection. This is a Cisco proprietary feature that was
introduced in Release 3.0 and works only with other Cisco
MGX and SES devices.
When a connection is set up, connection admission control
(CAC) accepts or rejects a connection’s request for
bandwidth by comparing the request to the available
bandwidth. Connection overbooking allows a connection to
specify a lower bandwidth requirement for CAC than the
actual amount it reserves.
If this parameter is set to 100 percent, overbooking is
disabled and the bandwidth used for CAC is equal to the
reserved bandwidth. If this parameter is set to a value less
than 100 percent, the connection uses overbooking. The
connection calculates the bandwidth used for CAC for each
class of service as follows:
CBR: PCR * percentage utilization factor
rt-VBR: SCR * percentage utilization factor
nrt-VBR: SCR * percentage utilization factor
ABR: MCR * percentage utilization factor
UBR: zero
Range: 1 to 100 percent.
addcon, cnfcon
The remote percentage utilization option specifies a
percentage utilization factor (which is also called an
overbooking factor) that enables or disables overbooking
for a connection. This options works the same as the -lputil
option, except that it applies to communications from a
remote device to the local device.
This option determines the persistency of the endpoint:
0 = persistent
1 = nonpersistent
addcon, cnfcon
This option determines the routing priority for the specified
connection. The range is from 1 through 15, where 1 is the
highest priority and 15 is the lowest priority.
Default: 8
Table 3-17
Parameters for the addcon and cnfcon Commands (continued)