Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide
Chapter 7 Cisco Management Information Base
This object identifies the IP address type of the second remote call manager. The value of this object
is 'unknown(0)' if the second remote call manager is not configured.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 27 }
ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the second remote call manager DNS name or IP address configured for this
H323 device. When there is no second remote call manager configured, this object contains an
empty string. The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddressType.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 28 }
ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the third remote call manager. The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the third remote call manager is not configured.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 29 }
ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the third remote call manager DNS name or IP address configured for this
H323 device. When there is no third remote call manager configured, this object contains an empty
string. The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddressType.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 30 }
ccmH323DevProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the
ccmProductTypeTable. A value of zero indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 31 }
ccmH323DevUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE