Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide
Chapter 6 Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
18: host.cisco.com: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.468 UTC: %BACC-3-UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION:
%[pname.orig=rdu][part=16.3/3]: com.cisco.Main:1112
In this example, the first message has part number 1 and its sequence number, 16, embedded in the part
tag. Subsequent messages embed the sequence number of the first message part and provide their own
part number. The trailing “/3” in each part
tag value means that the message consists of three parts.
CiscoLog Message Format
The CiscoLog message format follows:
All fields gets separated by a single colon character (ASCII decimal value 58) and a single space
character (ASCII decimal value 32). The HEADER field is also preceded by a percent character (ASCII
decimal value 37).
The TIMESTAMP, HEADER and TAGS fields have internal formatting. Below is a complete format
with details for TIMESTAMP and HEADER fields:
All fields except for ACCURACY and TAGS are required.
The following example shows a CiscoLog message:
11: host.cisco.com: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-5-CONFIG: Configured from
console by vty0 []
The following example shows the optional TAGS and ACCURACY fields in a CiscoLog message:
12: host.cisco.com: *Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-4-BAD_REQUEST:
%[pname.orig=rdu][comp=parser][mac=1,6,aa:bb:cc:11:22:33][txn=mytxn123]: Bad request
received from device [1,6,aa:bb:cc:11:22:33]. Header missing.
The values of the specific fields in the above example are as follows:
SEQNUM – “12”
HOST – “host.cisco.com”
MONTH - “Jun”
DAY – “13”
YEAR – “2003”
HOUR – “23”
MINUTES – “11”
SECONDS – “52”