Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide
Chapter 8 Industry-Standard Management Information Base
A system is normally able to use any unicast address which corresponds to an entry in this table as
a source address.
::= { ifMIBObjects 4 }
ifRcvAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IfRcvAddressEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A list of objects identifying an address for which the system will accept packets/frames on the
particular interface identified by the index value ifIndex.
INDEX { ifIndex, ifRcvAddressAddress }
::= { ifRcvAddressTable 1 }
IfRcvAddressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifRcvAddressAddress PhysAddress,
ifRcvAddressStatusRowStatus, ifRcvAddressType INTEGER }
ifRcvAddressAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PhysAddress
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An address for which the system will accept packets/frames on this entry's interface.
::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 1 }
ifRcvAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
This object is used to create and delete rows in the ifRcvAddressTable.
::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 2 }
ifRcvAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {other(1), volatile(2), nonVolatile(3) }
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
This object has the value nonVolatile(3) for those entries in the table which are valid and will not be
deleted by the next restart of the managed system. Entries having the value volatile(2) are valid and
exist, but have not been saved, so that will not exist after the next restart of the managed system.
Entries having the value other(1) are valid and exist but are not classified as to whether they will
continue to exist after the next restart.
DEFVAL { volatile }
::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 3 }