Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide
Chapter 6 Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
Warning-Level Alarms
DatabaseConfigurationError—The device is not configured in the Unified CM Administration
database and auto-registration is either not supported for the device type or is not enabled. To
correct this problem, configure this device in Unified CM Administration.
DeviceNameUnresolveable—For SIP third-party devices this means that Unified CM could not
determine the name of the device from the Authorization header in the REGISTER message.
The device did not provide an Authorization header after Unified CM challenged with a 401
Unauthorized message. Verify that the device is configured with digest credentials and is able
to respond to 401challenges with an Authorization header. If this is a Cisco IP phone, the
configuration may be out-of-sync. First, go to the Cisco Unified Reporting web page, generate
a Unified CM Database Status report, and verify "all servers have a good replication status". If
DB replications looks good, reset the phone. If that still doesn't fix the problem, restart the
TFTP and the Cisco CallManager services. For all other devices, this reason code means that
DNS lookup failed. Verify the DNS server configured via the OS Administration CLI is correct
and that the DNS name used by the device is configured in the DNS server.
ConnectivityError—The network connection between the device and Cisco Unified CM
dropped before the device was fully registered. Possible causes include device power outage,
network power outage, network configuration error, network delay, packet drops and packet
corruption. It is also possible to get this error if the Cisco Unified CM node is experiencing
high CPU usage. Verify the device is powered up and operating, verify network connectivity
between the device and Cisco Unified CM, and verify the CPU utilization is in the safe range
(this can be monitored using RTMT via CPU Pegging Alert).
InitializationError—An internal error occurred within Cisco Unified CM while processing the
device registration. It is recommended to restart the Cisco CallManager service. If this occurs
repeatedly, collect SDL/SDI detailed traces with "Enable SIP Keep Alive (REGISTER Refresh)
Trace" and "Enable SCCP Keep Alive Trace" under Cisco CallManager services turned on and
contact TAC.
AuthenticationError—The device failed either TLS or SIP digest security authentication. If the
device is a SIP phone and is enabled for digest authentication (on the System > Security Profile
> Phone Security Profile, check if "Enable Digest Authentication" checkbox is checked), verify
the "Digest Credentials" in the End User config page are configured. Also, check the phone
config page to see if the phone is associated with the specified end user in the Digest User drop
box. If the device is a third-party SIP device, verify the digest credentials configured on the
phone match the "Digest Credentials" configured in the End User page.
InvalidX509NameInCertificate—Configured "X.509 Subject Name" doesn't match what's in
the certificate from the device. Check the Security profile of the indicated device and verify the
"Device Security Mode" is either "Authenticated" or "Encrypted". Verify the "X.509 Subject
Name" field has the right content. It should match the Subject Name in the certificate from the
InvalidTLSCipher—Unsupported cipher algorithm used by the device; Cisco Unified CM only
supports AES_128_SHA cipher algorithm. Recommended action is for the device to regenerate
its certificate with the AES_128_SHA cipher algorithm.
MalformedRegisterMsg—(SIP only) A SIP REGISTER message could not be processed
because of an illegal format. Possible causes include a missing Call-ID header, a missing AoR
in the To header, and an expires value too small. Verify the REGISTER message does not suffer
from any of these ills.