Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide
Chapter 7 Cisco Management Information Base
deviceNameUnresolveable: The Cisco Unified CM is unable to resolve the device name to an IP
Address internally
maxDevRegExceeded: Maximum number of device registrations have been reached
connectivityError: Cisco Unified CM is unable to establish communication with the device during
initializationError: Indicates an error occurred when the Cisco Unified CM tries to initialize the
deviceInitiatedReset: Indicates that the error was due to device initiated reset
callManagerReset: Indicates that the error was due to Cisco Unified CM reset
authenticationError: Indicates mismatch between configured authentication mode and the
authentication mode that the device is using to connect to the Cisco Unified CM
invalidX509NameInCertificate: Indicates mismatch between the peer X.509 certificate subject name
and what is configured for the device
invalidTLSCipher: Indicates Cipher mismatch during TLS handshake process
directoryNumberMismatch: Indicates mismatch between the directory number that the SIP device
is trying to register with and the directory number configured in the Cisco Unified CM for the SIP
malformedRegisterMsg: Indicates that SIP device attempted to register with Cisco Unified CM, but
the REGISTER message contained formatting errors
protocolMismatch: The protocol of the device (SIP or SCCP) does not match the configured
protocol in Cisco Unified CM
deviceNotActive: The device has not been activated
authenticatedDeviceAlreadyExists: A device with the same name is already registered with Cisco
Unified CM
obsoleteProtocolVersion: The SCCP device registered with an obsolete protocol version
databaseTimeout: Cisco Unified CM requested device configuration data from the database but did
not receive a response within 10 minutes
registrationSequenceError: (SCCP only) A device requested configuration information from the
Cisco Unified CM at an unexpected time. The Cisco Unified CM had not yet obtained the requested
information. The device will automatically attempt to register again. If this alarm occurs again,
manually reset the device. If this alarm continues to occur after the manual reset, there may be an
internal firmware error
invalidCapabilities: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM detected an error in the media capabilities
reported in the StationCapabilitiesRes message by the device during registration. The device will
automatically attempt to register again. If this alarm occurs again, manually reset the device. If this
alarm continues to occur after the manual reset, there may be a protocol error
capabilityResponseTimeout: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM timed out while waiting for the
device to respond to a request to report its media capabilities. Possible causes include device power
outage, network power outage, network configuration error, network delay, packet drops, and packet
corruption. It is also possible to get this error if the Cisco Unified CM node is experiencing high
CPU usage. Verify that the device is powered up and operating. Verify that network connectivity
exists between the device and Cisco Unified CM, and verify that the CPU utilization is in the safe
securityMismatch: The Cisco Unified CM detected a mismatch in the security settings of the device
and/or the Cisco Unified CM. The mismatches that can be detected are: