Appendix C Command Summary
Configuration Command Set
Cisco 11000 Series Secure Content Accelerator Configuration Guide
Usage Guidelines;
Availability: Serial, Telnet
The port assignment is used at the next telnet connection attempt.
Related Commands
show telnet (Non-Privileged Command Set)
telnet access-list (Configuration Command Set)
telnet enable (Configuration Command Set)
Specifies the time zone of the device’s location.
timezone <zone>
Syntax Description
Usage Guidelines
Availability: Serial, Telnet; FIPS Mode (serial only)
The zone is entered in the form of Standard Time Zone identifier|GMT offset
(integer)|Daylight Savings Time Zone identifier. For example, MST7MDT is used
for Mountain Standard/Daylight Savings Time. The alphabetic strings are used for
display; the integer is used for date and time computation. The alphabetic strings
are optional; the GMT offset integer is not.
Related Commands
show date (Non-Privileged Command Set)
web-mgmt access-list
Assigns an existing access list to be used with web browser-based management
web-mgmt access-list <id>
no web-mgmt access-list <id>
The time zone identifier.