Rev Z
Page 34
Copyright © 2011 by Cirus Controls, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced without the express
written permission of Cirus Controls LLC for each reproduction.
Password No GS: this feature allows the supervisor to set a password for the “No Ground
Speed” operating mode to prevent unauthorized operators from entering that mode.
Default is set to “no”.
Manual GS Trigger: allows user to choose if Manual mode has a ground speed trigger or
not. Default is Yes – when Manual mode is selected, spreading is triggered when the
truck is moving and stopped when the truck stops.
Number of Tanks: one or two tanks can be selected. If truck has pre-wet only, select “1”
tank; if truck has both pre-wet and anti-ice tanks, select “2.” If pre-wet and anti-ice are
supplied from a single tank, select “1.”
Pre-Wet Tank Volume: use the anti-ice button to scroll up or down to set the total
volume of the tank used for pre-wet application. The units of measure (Gallons or
Liters) are automatically chosen based upon your choice in “units of measure.”
Anti-Ice Tank Volume: use the anti-ice button to scroll up or down to set the total
volume of the tank used for anti-ice application. The units of measure (Gallons or
Liters) are automatically switched based on the setting in “units.”
Blast Mode: Blast mode can be set to “toggle” on or off, operate as a “momentary”
function or be set to run in a “timed on” fashion. Use the anti-ice button to choose.
Blast Seconds: settable to the number of seconds (0-60) that the “Timed Blast”
functions. Use the anti-ice button to scroll up or down to make your selection.
Blast when stopped: chose yes to allow blast to function with truck standing still;
Blast resume after stop: choose yes to allow blast to start while stopped and continue
once the truck is in motion.
Off Rate Minimum Speed: this setting determines the minimum speed above which the
“off rate” alarm may function. At very low speeds (below 10 mph) this alarm is not
useful and is quite annoying to the operator. Default is set at 10 mph.
Off Rate Dead band Percentage: this setting allows you to set the minimum amount of
“off rate” error that will trigger the warning. Defaults are set to 50%.
Display Dead band: This setting determines the amount of variation in output that is
displayed on the LCD. A lower value will cause the displayed value to rise and fall
often because the full accuracy of the sensors is displayed. A larger value will make the
display show less “variation.” Changing this setting does not change the amount of
material being spread. Default is set to 25% of the range before a change is displayed.
Minimum Auto Mode Speed: These settings causes the
SpreadSmart Rx
to respond
to truck motion as if it was instantaneously at the minimum speed selected (mph).
Default is 2mph. This setting is useful for applications with “start and stop” spreading
(intersections etc) to spread more material since the truck speed is slow in an intersection.
Speedometer display is not affected.
Maximum Speed Alert: use this setting to trigger an audible alarm when the truck
exceeds the set speed. Default is set at 0, which means no alarm is enabled.
IP Address: this setting is factory set and must not be changed.
Subnet Mask: this setting is factory set and must not be changed.
Foreground download: select yes (default) for data download indication on LCD screen.
Log Interval: adjustable setting that determines how often
SpreadSmart Rx
data to the SD Card. This setting is only active when combined with the Drive by
Download Option. Log interval is adjusted in the following increments using the “pass”
button: 5sec, 10 sec, 30 sec, 60 sec, 120 sec, 300 sec. The longer the interval, the less
often data is recorded and the faster data can be transferred; the shorter the interval, the
more often data is recorded and the slower data can be transferred.
Startup Timer: when set to “yes”, the SpreadSmart Rx counts 8 seconds after power up
(when truck is started and SpreadSmart Rx is on) and defaults into automatic mode. The