Rev Z
Page 32
Copyright © 2011 by Cirus Controls, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced without the express
written permission of Cirus Controls LLC for each reproduction.
Display Route Miles (MiR):
displays a simple calculation of “miles remaining” for this route on
the Automatic and No Speedo mode screens. Counts down the miles driven and subtracts from
planned route miles. This display amount is accurate for route miles left, but can only be an
estimate of material remaining since there is no accurate method to determine granular material
remaining. Please note that spacing is very tight on the screen (this image is pretty close to final).
Remaining capacities indicators:
Miles left in route (MiR)
Tons of salt left
Pre-Wet Gal Left and % remaining
Anti-Ice Gal and % remaining
(note: in a partial fill situation, the % value and black bar graph will not start at 100%, but
will end at 0% when tanks are empty);
Spreading Rate Warnings
It is possible for operators to choose values that would, when operated, will result in warnings
for over rate or under rate. Warnings occur during operation, not during rate calculations;
Integrating warnings during calculations do not obviate the need for warnings that result from
“normally calculated rates,” that cannot be achieved due to equipment set on the truck or the
speed the truck is operated at.
Other Benefits from this Firmware:
Use this calculator for Granular only rate setting:
shut off the liquid section using on/off
and run the calculator as normal. The granular rate and the number of tons to load will be
calculated. Note that the Total App Rate will equal the Granular App Rate in this case.
Using the system to re-calculate if things change
How many miles are left on your route?
– observe MiR indicator on automatic screen;
Calculate a new route with values from above?
Use estimated gallons and tons from screen;
Open load and rate page from menu;
Input new liquid and granular route mileage and run calculator;
Note that basing a new route on the estimated values will not be accurate.