The driver seat of A5 is elec tric adjustable seat. It has four adjusting motor and adjust
control switc h. The adjusting motor is perma nent magnet motor. It realizes the the circ umvolve
from frontisp iece to inv erse with the differen t electrified directio n of each motor . So, the four
adjusting motors enable the seat to move towards 8 directions suc h as front
grad ient and so on. The 8 directions adjustable seat circu it is shown as figure 20-1.
The positive voltage of battery
positive fuse box 120A fuse Fb28
30th line
3 0A fuse
the 1 st pin of electric seat adjusting switch.
When p ress the UP button of the front seat's part, battery vo ltage that reaches th e 1st pin
of adjusting switch via the UP co ntact poin t of seat's adjusting switch
the 5th pin of seat's
adjusting switch
the front seat's up and down motor
the 6th p in of seat adjusting switch
th e UP contact point of seat adjusting switch
the 2nd pin of seat adju sting switch
ground point near the hand brake
Negativ e of batte ry, then th e front part of seat w ill move
When p ress the DOWN button of the front seat's part, battery voltage that reaches the 1st
pin of adjusting switch via the DOWN conta ct point of seat's adjusting switch
the 6th pin of
seat's adjusting switch
the front seat up and down motor
th e 5th pin of seat's a djusting
the DOWN co ntact poin t of seat's adjusting switch
th e 2nd pin of seat's a djusting
the ground point near the hand brake
Negative of battery, then the front part of seat
will move do wnwards.
When p ress the F RONT button of the seat , battery voltag e that rea ches the 1 st pin of
adjusting switch via the FRONT contact point of seat's adjusting switch
the 3rd pin of seat's
adjusting switch
the forwards a nd backwa rds sliding motor
the 4th pin of seat's a djusting
the FRONT co ntact point of seat's adjusting switch
the 2nd pin of seat's a djusting
the ground point near the hand brake
Negative of battery, then the front pa rt of seat
will move forwards.
When p ress the REAR button of the seat , battery voltag e that reac hes the 1st pin of
adjusting switch via th e REAR contact poin t of seat's adjusting switch
the 3rd pin of seat's
adjusting switch
the forwards a nd backwa rds sliding motor
the 4th pin of seat's a djusting
the REAR contact point of seat's adjusting switch
th e 2nd pin of seat's a djusting
the ground point near the hand brake
Negative of battery, then the front part of seat
will move ba ckwards.
Upwards and downwards of seat front part
Forwards and backwards of seat
Electric Seat System Circuit Analysis
Upwards and downwards of seat rear part
The forwards and backwards adjustment of backrest
When press the UP button of the seat's rear part, battery voltage that reaches the
1st p in of adjusting switch via the U P contact point of seat's adjusting switc h
the 7th
pin o f seat's adjusting sw itch
the front seat up and down motor
the 8th pin of seat's
adjusting switch
the UP contact point of seat's adjustin g switch
the 2nd p in of seat's
adjusting switch
the ground point near the h and brake
Negativ e of battery, then the
rear part of seat will move upwards.
When pre ss the DOWN button of the sea t's rear pa rt, battery voltage th at reaches
the 1 st pin of a djusting switch via the DOWN contact po int of seat's adjustin g switch
the 8 th pin of seat's adjusting switch
the front seat up and down motor
the 7th pin of
seat's adjusting switch
the DOWN contact point of seat's adjusting switch
the 2nd pin
of se at's adjusting switch
the grou nd point n ear the ha nd brake
Negative of battery,
then the rear pa rt of seat w ill move d ownwards.
When press the FRO NT incline button of the seat backrest , battery v oltage that
reaches the 1st pin of adjusting switch via the FRONT c ontact point of seat's adjusting
switc h
the 9th pin of seat's adjusting switc h
the backrest forw ards and backwards
adjusting motor
the 10th pin of seat's adjusting switch
the FRONT incline contact
point of seat's a djusting switch
the 2nd pin of seat's adjusting switch
the ground point
near the hand b rake
Neg ative of ba ttery, then the front p art of seat will inclin e forwards.
When pre ss the REAR incline button o f the seat backrest , battery v oltage that
reaches the 1st pin of adjusting switch via the REAR c ontact point of seat's adjusting
switc h
the 10 th pin of seat's adjusting switc h
the ba ckrest forwards and backwards
adjusting moto r
the 9th pin of sea t's adjusting switch
the backwards incline contact
point of seat's a djusting switch
the 2nd pin of seat's adjusting switch
the ground point
near the hand brake
Negative of battery, then the front part of seat will incline
Summary of Contents for A21 2005
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