CTS-112R4 user manual
Coordinates measurements
Procedure of coordinates measurements
When measuring the coordinates after inputting the instrument height and target height, you can
measure the unknown coordinates directly.
To define the coordinates of occupied point, refer to section 9.2 “Setting coordinates of occupied
To define the instrument height and target height, refer to 9.3 “Setting the instrument height” and
9.4 “Setting the target height”.
To measure the coordinates, you should define the backsight point and measure the azimuth of
backsight point first.
The coordinates of unknown point can be calculated by the formula below:
Coordinates of occupied point (N0, E0, Z0); the coordinates of the target corresponding to the center
of the instrument (n, e, z); instrument height INS. HT; coordinates of unknown point (N1, E1, Z1); target
height R. HT VD : Z(VD)
N1=N0+n E1=E0+e Z1=Z0+INS.
Coordinates of instrument center ((N0, E0, Z0+INS. HT)
Caution during coordinates measurement: to define the coordinates of occupied point, instrument
height, target height and backsight azimuth first.
Define the azimuth of known point A.
Inputting range:-99999999.9999
N, E, Z
+99999999.9999 m
N, E, Z
+99999999.9999 ft
≤ N, E, Z ≤ +99999999.11.7 ft+inch