Specifications are subject to change without notice. Pictures are just an example. For special features and/or customization, please ask to our sales network. 07/18
CERTUS Installation Manual
Stand Still
The StandStill and Speed Control function block
monitors the speed of a device, generating the Zero
to 1 (TRUE) output when the speed is lower than a
selected value.
Axis type:
It defines the type of axis controlled by the
device. It will be Linear in the case of a translation and
will be Rotary in the case of motion around an axis.
Sensor Type:
In the event that the previous parameter
is Linear, the Sensor Type defines the type of sensor
connected to the module inputs. It can be Rotary
(e.g. shaft encoder) or Linear (e.g. optical array). This
choice allows to define the following parameters.
Measuring device:
It defines the type of sensor(s)
used. The possible choices are:
• Encoder
• Proximity
• Proximity
• Pro Proximity2
• E Encoder2
If the Axis Type chosen was linear, this field
allows you to enter the sensor pitch to obtain a
conversion between sensor revolutions and distance
Proximity choice:
It allows you to choose the type of
proximity sensor from PNP, NPN, Normally Open (NA)
and Normally Closed (NC), with 3 or 4 wires.
(In order to ensure a Performance Level = PLe use
a proximity switch type PNP NO: ref. “Interleaved
proximity ->).
Enter in this field the number of
pulses/revolution (in the case of rotary sensor) or µm/
pulse (linear sensor) relating to the sensor used
Enter in this field the number of pulses/
revolution (in the case of rotary sensor) or µm/pulse
(linear sensor) relating to the second sensor used.
Example of Clockwise axis rotation
No Proximity
PNP 3-wire NC
PNP 3-wire NO
NPN 3-wire NO
NPN 3-wire NC
PNP 4-wire NC/NO
NPN 4-wire NC/NO
PNP/NPN 4-wire NC/NC
PNP/NPN 4-wire NO/NO
Proximity choice