Specifications are subject to change without notice. Pictures are just an example. For special features and/or customization, please ask to our sales network. 07/18
System Composition
The check of the actual composition of the Certus system is obtained using the icon
(Password Required: level 1). A pop-up window will appear with:
- Connected modules;
- Firmware version of each module;
- Node number (physical address) of each module.
If the modules found are not correct the following window will appear; e.g. C 12I 8TO node
number not correct (displayed in red color text).
To disconnect the PC from CMM use the icon ; when the system is disconnected it is
resetted and it starts with the sent project.
If the system is not composed of all modules provided by the configuration, after the
disconnection, CMM indicates the incongruity and does not starts. (See SIGNALS).
CERTUS Installation Manual