CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
Range: 0.0 ~ 300.0
Default: 150.0
Preset upper
torque limit of
forward motoring
Unit: %
When d2.09 is set to 0, this parameter is used as upper torque limit when
the motor is running forward in motoring mode. If the torque upper limit is
analog, pulse or communication setting, 100% of the setting corresponds
to the value of d2.10, and 100% of the value of d2.10 corresponds to the
motor rated torque.
Range: 0 ~ 7
Default: 0
Upper torque
limit Source of
reverse motoring
0: d2.10
1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
4: X6/FI
5: Communication
6: MIN
7: MAX
This parameter allows user to select the desired source as upper torque to
limit the motor output torque when the motor is running reverse in
motoring mode. More information, see d2.12.
Range: 0.0 ~ 300.0%
Default: 150.0%
Preset upper
torque limit of
reverse motoring
Unit: %
When d2.11 is set to 0, this parameter is used as upper torque limit when
the motor is running reverse in motoring mode. If the torque upper limit is
analog, pulse or communication setting, 100% of the setting corresponds
to the value of d2.12, and 100% of the value of d2.12 corresponds to the
motor rated torque.
Range: 0 ~ 7
Default: 0
Upper torque
limit source of
0: d2.10
1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
4: X6/FI
5: Communication
6: MIN
7: MAX
This parameter allows user to select the desired source as upper torque to
limit the motor output torque when the motor is running forward in
generating mode. More information, see d2.14.