● Open up the lower cabinet and verify there aren’t any leaks
● Wipe down
○ Touchscreen
○ Scanner
● Wipe/clean off any pretreat from:
○ Pretreater frame
○ Inside door to carriage
○ Carriage belts
○ Transfer belt
○ Pretreater belt
Weekly Instructions
● Clean the Pretreater belt brush
○ Located at the front of the belt, connected to the metal guard, directly in front of
where the operator stands.
○ To get to the brush, remove the bolts on either side of the metal guard and pull off
○ Remove any lint and clean off bristles. Replace if necessary
Monthly Instructions
● Check for Synergy software updates:
○ If there was an update, someone from your company should have gotten an
email from Alan with instructions on how to install the software
● Wipe down IR Cameras in Firefly
○ The cameras are located on the top of the Firefly
■ There are two cameras for each drone on every lane
○ You can either reach underneath the camera or unscrew the two screws on the
sides and lift it out so you can clean the lens
● Clean/Replace Bowl Filters
○ The bottom of the filter unscrews from the top
○ The contents can be dumped back into the source jug connected to the filter
○ The filter is a removable cylinder that is attached to the top of the filter
○ Remove the filter and clean it or replace if necessary
○ Connect the filter back to the top
○ Screw on the bottom and make sure it has a tight seal otherwise it will cause
problems in the future. Do a bleed on the associated pump by going to the
maintenance card and clicking the correct tab, then bleed pretreat.
● Flush lines with Cleaning solution
○ Remove Pretreat from system:
Pull out the source tubes
(acrylic dip tube) from the caps/pretreat tanks
■ Make sure the return lines are connected to the cap. Or if you are using
55 gal drums, make sure the return lines are placed inside the correct
Addendum: Synergy Maintenance Page 3