Bulb Control Modes:
The Firefly Curing System has several modes it
can use to control how the bulbs react to
temperature readings from product passing
through. Each mode has its own advantages, and
can be selected by the at each drone computer.
To select a bulb control mode for a particular
drone, press the “Settings” button (Figure 6) on
the drone’s main computer screen, then choose
“Factory Setup” (Figure 7), and then “Belt
Setup” (Figure 8).
Figure 6: Drone Settings Button
Figure 7: Factory Setup Button
Figure 8: Belt Setup Button
Each belt (also called a “zone”) can be controlled
independently by selecting from the zone drop-
down menu at the top of the screen (Figure 9).
The Bulb Control Mode is shown along with
several other setup parameters on this screen,
and can be changed by pressing on the “BULB
CONTROL” button (Figure 9).
Figure 9: Bulb Mode Button
The available control modes are as follows:
In this mode, when the product has reached cure
temperature in a bulb’s heating area (Figure 10),
that bulb is turned off until the product drops
back down below cure temp. All adjacent
heating areas operate independently.
In this mode, when the product has reached cure
temperature in a bulb’s heating area (Figure 10),
that bulb is turned off, along with the bulb in