install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
Dual Monitor Output
8.5.2 Two Operators with Separate Graphics Operator and 2 Panels
Show Creator
Graphics Creator
with CG
Keyer control
If you increase the number of simultaneous panels supported, see section 8.2, then
the graphics operator can view a window containing all or a portion of the Broadcast
Pix SoftPanel. This enables the graphics person to view exactly what the state of the
panel is on the show creator’s system. The graphics operator can use the portion of
the control panel they see to perform functions normally done by the Show Creator,
including selecting the next title to be taken to air, or taking them to air.
The two control panels can either be “locked” together or unlocked, see section 8.3.
If the graphics person does not wish to display the entire SoftPanel, they can just
display a portion of it, as illustrated below, see section 8.4.