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Broadcast Pix
6.2.2 Clip Motion Controls on the Multi-View
In addition to using the control panel or SoftPanel motion controls, the Multi-View
PixPad may also be used with the mouse to control a clip. In order to use the Multi-
View PixPad with the control panel, the
Follow Panel
option must be activated, as
described in section 2.4.3.
To view clip motion controls:
Select the
button on
the Multi-View PixPad, either using the
control panel or mouse.
This will bring up the Clip modifiers PixPad,
as shown on the right.
The motion control buttons work similar
as they do on the control panel, as
described in the previous section, 6.2.
These scrub controls work in the same
manor as described in section 6.3.10.
However since there is only 1 knob/slider,
a label above the knob needs to be selected
to active the desired control. By default the
first knob label (in this case ‘Scrub’) is