rev.4 - 03/2008
You can control the grinding directly on the machine. This operation allows you to verify the stability of the ground coffee size.
See picture nr.2 to disable the function.
Grinding is controlled through the group brewing time.
At every delivery the electronics checks that the used time is in the optimal range, i.e. the optimal brewing time ± 20%.
Pict. D
Pict. C
Automatic washing cycle of the groups
Prepare the group as follows:
1) Unhook the filterholder from the group (part.A pict.C) and replace the brewing filter (part.B pict.C) with the blind filter (part.C pict.C).
2) Put the recommended quantity of detergent into the blind filter (part.D pict.C).
3) Hook the filterholder into the group (part.E pict.D).
To access the cleaning status press the STOP-keys ( part.5 pict.B) four times on all the key-pads
At this stage the machine will begin the cleaning cycle, that lasts about 3 minutes.The cleaning cycle is split up as follows: 30 seconds running, 5
seconds pause, all reeated 5 times. The whole length of the cleaning is signalized by the blinking of the yellow programming-LED (part.4 pict.B).
The cleaning cycle can be interrupted by pressing STOP.
At the end of each cleaning cycle, one of the green LEDs lights off; when all the green LEDs are off, the cleaning is done.
Fig. E
The groups rinsing procedure is similar to the cleaning. Unhook the filterholders
(part. F fig.E) and replace the blind filter (part.G fig.E) with the brewing filter (part
H fig.E). Hook the filterholder (part.E fig.D) into the group.
Press the CONT key (part.1 fig.B) and press STOP on all key-pads.
Until the 07/2002