FXS Gateway Overview
- 108 -
-dspapp update DSP application code(optional)
-s IP address of TFTP/FTP server (mandatory)
-f file name(mandatory)
-method download via TFTP/FTP (TFTP: mode=0, FTP: mode=1)
-ftp specify username and password for FTP
This command can run select one option in 'app', 'boot',
, 'dsptest', 'dspcore', and 'dspapp'.
rom -method 1
rom -ftp vwusr vwusr
rom -app -s -f app.bin
Figure 21-48 rom command list
Parameter Usages:
-print: show versions of all rom files.
-app, boot, boot2m, dsptest, dspcore, dspapp, ht: To update main Application program
code, Boot code, DSP testing code, DSP kernel code, or DSP application
code, and Hold Tone file.
Most of all, the Rom file needed to get upgrade is App or Boot2m. Please
check the exactly Rom file before doing download procedure.
-s: To specify TFTP server’s IP address when upgrading ROM files.
-f: To specify the target file name, which will replace the old one.
-method: To decide using TFTP or FTP as file transfer server. [0] stands for TFTP,
while [1] stands for FTP.
-ftp: If users choose FTP in above item, it is necessary to specify pre-defined
username and password when upgrading files.
For example:
usr/config$ rom –print
Download Method : TFTP
Boot Rom : sdboot.200
Application Rom : 4asip0519.BIN
DSP App : 48302ce3.140