FXS Gateway Overview
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Figure 21-27 sysconf -print command
This command is to configure SIP related parameters.
usr/config$ sip
SIP stack information and configuration
sip [-print] [-mode pxmode] [-outpx IPaddmress][-transport type]
sip [-px address] [-px2 address] [-pxport number] [-outpxport number]
[-line1 number] [-line2 number] [-line3 number] [-line4 number]
[-prefix prefixstring] [-expire t1] [-port udpPort] [-rtp rtpPort]
sip -print
-print Display SIP stack information and configuration.
-mode Configure as Peer-to-Peer mode:0/Proxy mode:1/Gateway
-px Primary Proxy server address. (IPv4 address or dns name)
-px2 Secondary Proxy server address. (IPv4 address or dns name)
-pxport Primary Proxy server port. (the port of Primary proxy)
-px2port Secondary Proxy server port. (the port of Secondary proxy)
-outpx OutBound Proxy server address. (IPv4 address or dns name)
-outpxport OutBound Proxy server port. (the port of OutBound proxy)
-prefix Specify prefix string, use it when UserID contains alphabets
(if UserID uses numerals, specify as null)
-line1 TEL1 Phone number.
-line2 TEL2 Phone number.
-line3 TEL3 Phone number.
-line4 TEL4 Phone number.
-pbsearch Search phone book 0:off/1:on.
-expire The relative time after which the message expires(0 ~ (2^31-1))
-port SIP local UDP port number (2326~65534), Default: 5060
-rtp RTP port number (2326~65534), Default: 16384
-useragent User agent set (set “x” to use the default)
sip -mode 1