FXS Gateway Overview
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Chapter 10
Voice Configuration Screen
This Chapter covers voice is associated with the audio setting information.
10.1 Voice Configuration Overview
The web configuration provides Voice Configuration screen.
10.2 Voice Configuration Screen
Click [Voice Configuration] in the navigation panel and open the [Voice
Configuration] Screen.
Figure 10-1 Voice Configuration
The following table describes this screen.
Table 10-1 Voice Configuration
Codec Priority
Set priority preference of installed codes, G.723, G.711A, G.711U
and G.729.
Frame Size
Set Specify sending packet size, G.723: 30/60 ms, G.711A and
G.711U: 20/40/60 ms, G.729 and G.729a: 20/40/60/80 ms.
The smaller packet size, the shorter delay time. If network is in
good condition, smaller sending packet size is recommanded.
G723 Silence
Select enable/disable for G723 Silence Suppression function.