To employ the integrated safety technology "Safe Torque Off"
(L3), it is necessary to use at least the following firmware version
or higher in the drive:
IndraDrive Mi (KSM02.x): As of MPB-17V08
IndraDrive Mi (KMS02.x): As of MPB-17V10
Characteristics of IndraDrive M / IndraDrive C
The following type codes show the different characteristics of the control
sections of IndraDrive C / IndraDrive M:
Fig. 4-6:
Type code CSB02
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Integrated Safety Technology "Safe Torque Off" (as of MPx-16)
System overview
LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01