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Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
LTC 8850 |
Instruction Manual
Allegiant Server
group is determined by the Group Table. Each row of
the table defines a monitor group. The groups are
numbered down the left side of the screen in the
Group #
(number) column. The other columns can be
edited by the user.
Figure 72 Normal Groups Configuration Table
Alarm Normal Tables
For Normal alarms, the system's alarm response can be
configured using preprogrammed options or
customized using the selections described as follows.
The preprogrammed options can be selected via the
Auto Set button in the Alarm/Normal tables. These
default options duplicate the selections available via a
standard system keyboard in the base Allegiant system.
In some cases, editing of the Group Table can be made
easier by first resetting the system to the default
configuration closest to the desired alarm setup. The
Auto Set feature is not applicable to LTC 8900
Alarm Normal Groups Table
The Group Table is used to organize alarm monitors
into groups. For example, if there are two separate
control rooms, a monitor group may be configured for
each room. Whenever a "group" is discussed, it refers
to a group of monitors. These groups of monitors
respond to alarm conditions by displaying alarm video.
Each alarm input point may be associated with one or
more cameras. Each alarm can be "armed" for zero or
more monitor groups. When an alarm is activated, it
sends the video from its cameras to each group for
which it is armed. When a group receives this video
from an alarm, it displays it on one or more of its
monitors. The exact behavior of each alarm monitor
group is determined by the Group Table. Each row of
the table defines a monitor group. The groups are
numbered down the left side of the screen in the
Group # (number) column. The other columns can be
edited by the user.
Arm -
When a group is armed, it means that it is
ready to display alarm video. Monitors in a disarmed
group will not respond to alarms. To toggle between
armed and disarmed, move the cursor to this column,
then press the left mouse button to enable or disable.
Armed Step Monitor/Unarmed Step Monitor
Armed Review Monitor/Unarmed Review Monitor
These columns of the table list all of the monitors that
belong to each group. A monitor can be designated as
either a step monitor or a review monitor. The two
types of monitors are described in detail later.
Any given monitor may belong to no more than one
group; when this edit window is used to place a
monitor in a group, that monitor will automatically be
removed from the group to which it was previously
assigned. A monitor that is in a group must be either a
step monitor or a review monitor; it can not be both.
As mentioned above, a monitor can be either a step
monitor or a review monitor. A group can have any
number of step and review monitors, but an armed
group MUST have at least one armed step monitor or
it will not be possible to arm the group. When a group
receives video from an alarm, that video is displayed
on ALL of the group’s review monitors, but only on
ONE of its step monitors. It is displayed on the step
monitor that currently has the fewest alarm videos.
The step monitor automatically enters a run mode
when the monitor first receives an alarm video;
subsequent videos sent to that monitor will be
displayed in sequence. The monitor will display a
video for the designated dwell time, then switch to the
next one. In contrast, a review monitor queues up
alarm videos. Step monitors are used to automatically
step through multiple alarm videos. If several alarms
occur at the same time, their videos will be distributed
among the group’s step monitors. Each video will
appear on exactly one step monitor. These monitors
will start switching, so that the user can observe all the
alarm videos in a short period of time. The
can be used to stop the running sequence, if desired.
Review monitors are used for closer scrutiny of alarm
video. Since each review monitor will display ALL of
the alarm videos received by the group, the user can
utilize a single review monitor to step through and
inspect all of the alarm videos. If automatic switching
is desired, the
key may be used to start a review
monitor running. The next and previous keys can be
used to select the direction when reviewing alarm