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Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
LTC 8850 |
Instruction Manual
Allegiant Server
Allegiant system when the Host PC is not running the
Allegiant Server software (the Host PC is the PC that
is physically connected to the Allegiant system). The
Allegiant Network Host software does not require the
security key.
To run the Allegiant Network Host software, simply
double-click on the icon in the program group. If the
Allegiant Server software is run on the Host PC, then
the Allegiant Network Host software is not needed,
and should not be run.
If you have followed the instructions and still have
trouble going online over a network, the following
trouble-shooting tips may help.
1. Verify that the host PC (the PC that is physically
connected to the Allegiant through the PC serial
port) has the current version of the LTC 8850
software installed.
2. Verify that the host PC is running the current
version of either the Allegiant Server or Allegiant
Network Host program. The host computer does
not need to be online with the Allegiant. It is a
good trouble-shooting test, however, to verify that
the Allegiant Server can go online on the host PC.
3. If the online attempt is still unsuccessful, try to map
a network drive to the host computer. If the host
computer is on a different network domain or
workgroup, you may have to log on to the host
computer, using an account that has been
previously set up on the host computer. When the
network drive is successfully mapped, retry to go
online with the Allegiant system.
3.2.4 Allegiant Server Menu Commands
Allegiant Server
menus are described below. Some
commands can also be initiated with a toolbar button.
Clicking on the
is equivalent to selecting the
corresponding menu item. File Menu
New -
Opens a new Allegiant Configuration file.
When a new file is opened, a dialog box for
selecting an Allegiant model is presented.
Toolbar Button:
Open -
Presents a file dialog box for selection of an
existing Allegiant Configuration file.
Toolbar Button:
Save -
Saves the current Allegiant Configuration
data file to disk.
Toolbar Button:
Save As -
Saves the current Allegiant Configuration
data under a new file name.
User Profile -
Displays the User Profile dialog box
from which user information (names, passwords,
and group memberships) can be managed and
users can be created, modified, or deleted.
Print -
Displays a dialog box for a selection of
tables to print. The dialog box contains a check
box for each table: Camera table, Monitor table,
etc. All tables that have the box checked will be
printed to the PC’s default printer.
Print Preview -
Presents a dialog box for selection
of the table to preview. One table at a time can be
Print Setup -
A standard PC Print setup dialog box
appears for a selection of printers, paper size,
orientation, and other print parameters.
Recently Opened Files -
The last entries under
menu are the names of the four most
recently used files. Selecting one of these entries
will open the selected file.
Exit -
Shuts down the Allegiant server application. Edit Menu
Undo -
Undo last editing action.
Toolbar button:
Cut -
Copies the values of the selected cells to the
clipboard, and sets the cells back to their empty
Toolbar button:
Copy -
Copies the values of the selected cells to the
clipboard. The values in the cells are unchanged.
Toolbar button: