DSL LAN Extender 200 User’s Guide
© 2002 Black Box Corporation
Page 23
This group contains two tables: a slot table and a slot items table.
The slot table contains one entry for each physical board installed in the device. Each entry defines the
board’s name, the number of communication ports on the board, and the ports’ interface indices. The DSL
LAN Extender 800 and 850 models have two boards each, whereas the DSL LAN Extender 200 model
has only one board per device.
The slot items table, on the other hand, contains one entry for each communication port on the device.
This table includes fields that indicate which slot the interface is on, as well as which standard MIB-II
interface the interface is associated with. The slot items table is similar to the standard MIB-II interface
table. However, the slot items table contains more detailed information about the interfaces.
The slot table and the slot items table are designed to allow you to clearly see how many boards are in the
system (either 1 or 2 in the case of DSL LAN Extender devices), as well as how many communication
interfaces are present in the system and the boards on which they are located.
This group provides information associating the logical DSL interfaces to the physical interfaces. For the
DSL LAN Extender 200 model, there is a one-to-one mapping between the logical and physical
interfaces. On the other hand, for the DSL LAN Extender 800 model, one logical interface (namely
WaiDSL) is mapped to two physical interfaces (RADSL). This table clearly shows the relationship
between the logical and physical interfaces.
This group is a read-only table that essentially serves as an on-line menu that describes the various rate
settings available for the device.
DSL LAN Extender DHCPServPars
This group provides information about the parameters related to the DHCP server feature.
The following information is included in this group:
Starting and ending IP addresses for the specified range of available IP addresses
DHCP lease time (in days and hours)
DNS addresses (up to 3) specified as part of the DHCP configuration
DSL LAN Extender DHCPLeaseTable
This group includes information about the DHCP lease capacity, the total number of DHCP clients, and a
table showing information about the DHCP clients. The table contains the following information about
the DHCP clients:
User names
Hardware (MAC) addresses of the network interface cards installed in the clients’ computers
IP addresses
Number of hours remaining on the clients’ DHCP leases