DSL LAN Extender 200 User’s Guide
© 2002 Black Box Corporation
Page 10
Network Mode Configuration
The Network Mode Configuration screen allows the user to change a variety of functions.
The user can enable either or both Bridging and RIP functions.
The user can change the devices main IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.
A Bandwidth Limit can also be set for inbound and outbound traffic (a setting of 0 means that the
traffic control is not activated and it will allow whatever traffic the network can support).
For the Remote CP device, NAT can be enabled, with optional setting for e-mail and http/ftp servers.
The appropriate IP addresses must be entered.
Network Mode Configuration - Local (CO) Side
Network Mode Configuration – Remote (CP) Side
By default, the DSL LAN Extender CO and CP devices are pre-assigned the same IP address at the
factory: You should assign the DSL LAN Extender device a valid host IP address in the
same subnet as the Ethernet to which it is directly connected.
===== Network Mode Configuration =====
. Device Serves at Side : CO
. Bridging Enabled : N
. RIP Enabled : N
. Device Main IP Address : 194. 1. 1. 2
. Device Main IP Subnet Mask : 255.255.255. 0
. Ethernet Side Default Gateway : 194. 1. 1. 1
. Bandwidth Limit, Outbound(Kbit/s): 256
. Bandwidth Limit, Inbound(Kbit/s) : 256
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===== Network Mode Configuration =====
. Device Serves at Side : Remote
. Bridging Enabled : Y
. RIP Enabled : N
. Device Main IP Address : 194. 1. 2. 1
. Device Main IP Subnet Mask : 255.255.255. 0
. Ethernet Side Default Gateway : 0. 0. 0. 0
. Bandwidth Limit, Outbound(Kbit/s): 256
. Bandwidth Limit, Inbound(Kbit/s) : 256
. NAT Enabled : Y
(Items below have no effect unless NAT is enabled)
. Device NAT IP Address : 192.168. 1. 1
. NAT Subnet Mask : 255.255.255. 0
. E-mail Server Enabled : Y
. E-mail Server's IP Address : 192.168. 1. 10
. HTTP/FTP Server's IP Address : 0. 0. 0. 0
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