Billion 810VGTX Router
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Packet Filter – Add Raw IP Filter
Go to “Type” drop-down menu, select “Use Protocol Number”.
Rule Name Helper: User defined description for entry identification. You may also choose from the Select drop-down
menu for an existing predefined rule.
Time Schedule: A self defined time period. You may specify a time schedule for your prioritization policy. For setup and
detail, refer to Time Schedule section.
Source IP Address(es) / Destination IP Address(es): This is the Address-Filter used to allow or block traffic to/from
particular IP address(es). Select the Subnet Mask of the IP address range you wish to allow/block the traffic to or from;
set IP address and Subnet Mask to to de-activate the Address-Filter rule.
Tip: To block access to/from a single IP address, enter that IP address as the Host IP Address and use a Host Subnet
Mask of “”.
Type: It is the packet protocol type used by the application, select TCP, UDP or both TCP/UDP.
Protocol Number: Insert the port number, i.e. GRE 47.
Source Port: This Port or Port Ranges defines the port allowed to be used by the Remote/WAN to connect to the
application. Default is set from range 0 ~ 65535. It is recommended that this option be configured by an advanced user.
Destination Port: This is the Port or Port Ranges that defines the application.
Inbound / Outbound: Select to Allow or Block access to the Internet (“Outbound”) or from the Internet (“Inbound”).
When all changes are made, click the Add button to apply your changes.
Example: Configuring your firewall to allow a publicly accessible web server on your LAN
The predefined port filter rule for HTTP (TCP port 80) is the same whether the firewall is set to a high, medium or
low security level. To setup a web server located on the local network when the firewall is enabled, you have to
configure the Port Filter settings for HTTP.
As you can see from the diagram below, when the firewall is enabled with one of the three preset (Low/Medium/High)
security levels, inbound HTTP access is not allowed which means remote access through HTTP to your router is not