Billion 810VGTX Router
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Phone port 1 & 2 will automatically revert to a PSTN line when:
Power is down
Internet service fails (e.g. loss of WAN IP Address)
SIP option has been disabled (refer to VoIP General Setting
Calls that match the rules defined in the PSTN dial plan
SIP service is inaccessible when:
User manually disables the registration
Invalid username & password has been entered
An invalid SIP number is dialed
PSTN auto-failback function is disabled
Prefix: Specify the number(s) that will be used to switch from VoIP to PSTN when making a call.
Number of Digits: Specify the total number of digits you wish to dial out. The maximum number of digits is 15.
Action: Specify a dialing method that you wish to use when making PSTN call(s).
Dial with Prefix: With this selected, the prefix which is dialed together with the phone number will be dialed out
via FXO when making a regular call.
Note: The prefix number dialed has to match the number of digits specified.
Dial without Prefix: With this selected, the prefix which is dialed together with the phone number will not
be dialed out with the phone number via the FXO when making a regular call.
Note: The length of the number of digits dialed should match the number of digits specified.
Dial at Timeout: The number & the prefix entered will be dialed out via the FXO port after a defined timeout
interval even though the number of digits in the phone number entered does not match the number of digits
Note: The total number of digits dialed must not exceed the number of digits defined otherwise dialing will be
Dial at Timeout no Prefix: The phone number will be dialed out via the FXO port excluding the prefix after a
defined timeout interval even though the number of digits in the phone number entered does not match the
number of digits specified.
Note: The total number of digits dialed must not exceed the number of digits defined otherwise dialing will be