4. Always manually guide the OR table in the desired direction. The op-
erator continues to execute the control function manually. The re-
commended method is for one person to operate InstaDrive™ from
the head end while another person steers the table at the leg secti-
on. As an alternative, the InstaDrive™ arc , which docks onto the ta-
ble’s side rails can be used to have both hands on the table to oper-
ate the InstaDrive™ while steering. When InstaDrive™ is active, the
forward guide rollers are blocked especially to prevent the table from
drifting sideways during transport over longer distances.
5. Release REV → The OR table stops moving → The traction drive roller
then stays in passive mode for approx. 2 seconds to prevent longitu-
dinal and traverse movement and ensures an additional electromoti-
ve braking function. The rollers are blocked during these 2 seconds.
During this time, avoid moving the table at all, especially pulling or
pushing it sideways suddenly.
4.9 Attaching the InstaDrive™ Arc Docking System
OR tables equipped with the InstaDrive™ option will also be equipped
with the InstaDrive™ Arc Docking System for the hand pendant. This sys-
tem is helpful when moving the OR table because it allows the use of
both hands to simultaneously steer and control the InstaDrive™.
Operator Manual Surgical Mobile Operating Table Models D860, D850, D 830, D820, D770, D760