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BAL2076_central lubrication pump_01
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Function and setup of a single line central lubricatio system
The single line lubrication system consists of a central lubrication pump and distributors. One of the distributors is
equipped with a pressure gauge and pressure switch for monitoring. It shall be installed at the end of the longest
line in the system.
The lubrication cycles can be controlled either by means of the control of the central lubrication pump or by an
external control unit. The reservoir level is monitored (optional).
During the pump operation lubricant is delivered into the pressure lines until the switch pressure is reached. The
switch pressure can be checked at the pressure gauge. The pressure line has to be relieved by a 2/2 way valve in
order to enable the displacement of lubricant in the distributor. The pressure line is automatically relieved when
the pump is switched off. After the pressure line is relieved, the single line distributor supplies lubricant to the lube
Installation example:
Fig. 2:
Central lubrication
Lines towards the
lube points
Single line distributor
e.g. UEN
Single line distributor
e.g. UEN with pressure switch