3. if temperature readings seem too high in function of total time interval of lift truck
using, replace pump inverter causing the alarm. You can read temperature measures
using “COMPACT” display or “EYE” communication software.
4. replace main board.
Capacitors too charged on start
Eye alarm code: 11
Alarm level: 1
Alarm cause: when you turn on the system, capacitors are not completely discharged by
pump motor. In fact, if you turn suddenly on the lift truck, after a turning off, capacitors
voltage level is too high. You have to discharge them before checking the presence of any
fault (both of capacitors and of main board)
In case of alarm follow this procedure:
1. verify the correctness of wiring from pump motor and relative inverter;
2. replace cable connecting the output CN4 of the control board with the corresponding
3. replace the inverter connected to CN4 output of the control board;
4. verify if main breaker has stuck closed terminals: in such a case replace it;
5. replace the cable connecting the output CN1 of the main board to the right drive
motor inverter: a defective cable could give a wrong measure for capacitors voltage;
6. replace the right drive inverter;
7. replace main board.
Low battery alarm
Eye alarm code: 12
Alarm level: 3
Alarm cause: battery voltage level is lower than minimum charge value expected, referred
to table 2 (for 36V system) and table 3 (for 48V system) in COMPACT display user