In that menu front panel, you
can read actual measured
value for pliers circuit
pressure and know which of
1st, 2nd or 3rd setup pressure
level is selected ( see three
green leds).
Another green led shows if
your system is working in
automatic or in manual mode:
Manual mode
: a switch
present on lift truck defines
the active pressure level(1st, 2nd or 3rd).
Automatic mode
: now a serial data exchange defines the active level of pressure.
If no valid code is received, it’s not possible to change active pressure level.
The selected level value is not memorized, so you lose it switching lift truck off.
In front panel appear 1st, 2nd and 3rd setup pressures new and old value, measure unit, and
default, minimum and maximum settable values; the same data are visualized for 4 tuneable
parameters (Kp,Kd_1,Kd_2,Kd_3).
These parameters are used in software regulation:
1. Proportional coefficient Kp is the same for the 3 pressure levels.
2. There are three different derivative coefficients Kd_1,Kd_2 and Kd_3 for each pressure