Overhead Beater (Optional)
A-Series Dobby Loom Assembly Manual
Page | 116
Four-Box Flyshuttle Dropbox Movement
At the end of each cable, there is a threaded eyebolt with a lock
nut. Thread each eyebolt into the metal bracket on the ends of the
shift handle.
Once the cable is attached to the drop box assembly, run the cable
over the drop box pulley on the larger cast metal piece directly
above the drop box assembly and under the small pulley near the
end of the beater top.
Figure 118 - 4-box Flyshuttle Beater Shift Handle
Repeat this procedure on the other side of the loom.
Once both cables are attached, you will need to adjust the cable
When you slide the shift handle back and forth, notice that there are four
detents (or places where the shift handle can be stopped). Each of these four
detents corresponds to the four shuttle boxes.
The best way to adjust these cables is to slide the shift handle to
either the far left or far right detent position. This will put one drop
box in the upper position and the other one in the lower position.
Loosen the lock nut and you can shorten or lengthen the cable by
screwing this threaded end into or out of the plate at the end of the
shift handle. Adjust the cable so that the drop box shelf is at the
same height as the top of the shuttle race.