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– Apply torque wrench with ring spanner insert AF 16 - V.A.G
1332/14- to hexagon flats on tensioning roller and tension poly
V-belt to 70 Nm.
– At the same time tighten tensioning bolt -arrow-.
– Start engine and check that belt runs properly.
Tightening torques
⇒ “1.1 Poly V-belt drive - exploded view”, page 55
Removing and installing vibration damp‐
– Drain off coolant
– Remove radiator
– Remove radiator cowl
– Slacken off 8 bolts -arrow- on vibration damper several turns
(counterhold with ring spanner on centre nut for alternator pul‐
Before removing, mark direction of rotation of poly V-belt with
chalk or felt-tip pen. If the belt runs in the opposite direction when
it is refitted, this can cause breakage.
– Unscrew tensioning bolt -arrow- and remove poly V-belt.
– Remove vibration damper.
Installation is carried out in the reverse order; note the following:
Replace vibration damper bolts with new bolts of the correct
type (same as original equipment) ⇒ Electronic parts cata‐
logue .
Apply locking fluid when installing non-self-locking bolts; for
locking fluid, refer to ⇒ Electronic parts catalogue .
• The vibration damper can only be fitted in one position (note
dowel sleeve).
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
1. Cylinder block (pulley end)