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– Fill reservoir of cooling system charge unit - VAS 6096- with
at least 15 litres of premixed coolant (based on recommended
• Radiator antifreeze/anti-corrosion agent (40 %) and water (60
%) for frost protection to -25 °C.
• Radiator antifreeze/anti-corrosion agent (50 %) and water (50
%) for frost protection to -35 °C.
• Radiator antifreeze/anti-corrosion agent (60 %) and water (40
%) for frost protection to -40 ℃.
• Radiator antifreeze/anti-corrosion agent ⇒ Electronic parts
– Screw adapter -V.A.G 1274/8- onto coolant expansion tank.
– Attach cooling system charge unit - VAS 6096- to adapter -
V.A.G 1274/8- .
– Run vent hose -1- into a small container -2-. (The vented air
draws along a small amount of coolant, which should be col‐
– Close the two valves -A- and -B- by setting lever at right angle
to direction of flow.
– Connect hose -3- to compressed air.
• Pressure: 6 ... 10 bar.
– Open valve -B- by setting lever in direction of flow.
The suction jet pump generates a partial vacuum in the cooling
• The needle on the gauge should move into the green zone.
– Also briefly open valve -A- (turn lever in direction of flow) so
that hose on reservoir for cooling system charge unit -
VAS 6096- can fill with coolant.
– Close valve -A- again.
– Leave valve -B- open for another 2 minutes.
• The suction jet pump will continue generating a vacuum in the
cooling system.
• The needle on the gauge should remain in the green zone.
– Close valve -B-.
• The needle on the gauge should stop in the green zone. The
vacuum level in the cooling system is then sufficient for sub‐
sequent filling.
If the needle does not reach the green zone, repeat the process.
If the vacuum level drops, there is a leak in the cooling system.
– Detach compressed air hose.
– Open valve -A-.
The partial vacuum in the cooling system causes the coolant to
be drawn up out of the reservoir; the cooling system is then filled.
– Detach cooling system charge unit - VAS 6096- from adapter
-V.A.G 1274/8- on coolant expansion tank.
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
1. Cooling system